One of the definite plusses of going to this College are the outdoor showers, which can be used any time. In the Spring, the weather is warm and usually sunny, so most girls like to wear just shorts around campus. As long as the shorts are skimpy enough, the “panty patrol” (as the students call the Dress Code Inspectors) generally leave the girls alone. To be safe, a lot of girls simply wear panties as shorts, and the girls agree: it’s a simple outfit to pick out in the morning — just slip on a pair of panties, and head out the door!

So with the weather so fine, and the girls parading their stuff in their finest silk panties, the showers are quite a hit. When one is unoccupied, a girl will often slip out of her panties, and take advantage of its cool, refreshing water.

After a shower, most girls like to wait a bit before putting their panties back on, so they can dry off. So, quite often a girl will take a shower before lunch, and leave her panties next to the shower while she goes to the ‘caf’ for lunch. Then, after lunch, she can come back and put on her panties before heading off to her next class. It’s all very convenient for the girls.

And quite entertaining for the boys, too.