I had to take the job. I simply had to. Most of the girls on campus get money sent from their parents. I don’t. I have to take part time jobs instead. One of the easy jobs to get, is maid services. I do maid services for one of the teachers.

The job itself is ok – I get to wander in my own thoughts, cleaning the house. Most of the time I am alone in the house when I am cleaning, and that’s my luck. The maid job has a dress code. I have to wear a red uniform and stockings. The rest of the outfit is optional. That is a pretty standard dress code for a maid, nothing special there.
Of course, the problem is, that when I’m in the teachers house, the College Code of Conduct is in effect! – and along with it: The Dress Code. According to The Dress Code, stockings count as a bottom! That means, that if I have to comply with both the dress code for maids and the college dress code, I have to go bottomless.
Well, I really need the job, so I have no choice.

The red maid’s dress was never meant as a full dress. It is impossible for me to stretch it to cover my pussy. I tried.

Although, if I really try hard and stand in the right position, I can almost make it cover my pussy. That gives me sense of calm, even though I know it doesn’t give too much coverage.

Luckily, when doing the maid services, I am usually alone in the house.

One afternoon, the teacher came home early. I was in the middle of cleaning the floor, so I was on all four. I had let my thoughts wander, and didn’t really notice him coming home. Then I heard him – the teacher had entered the room and stood behind me.
There was no need to stand up, it was too late. I was sure the teacher had had a full view of everything. He was silent for just a few seconds, then said “Wow, you really clean up everywhere, huh?”
I take pride in my work and I DO clean up everywhere. I never really understood why he felt he needed to mention it.

Although not everything is perfect with this job, I like it very much. The teacher also seems to be quite satisfied with my services. |
Well I noticed that the girl wears stockings (they count as a bottom) and has pubic hair visible (which is also a bottom). But since it looks really nice and well groomed, I see no need for her to shave it of. What do you think?