Avoiding upskirt accidents (archives)

Avoiding upskirt accidents
I am so sick of people looking up my skirt. I don’t know what the big attraction, but I want it to stop.


So how can I stop people from looking up my skirt, seeing my bare pussy, you ask? You’re right, it’s not easy. Every day there are hundreds of opportunities to see it. For example when people are behind me and I am leaning forward just a bit.



Of course, there is the classic situation where I sit down and I don’t think about the fact that my legs are spread.


I’ve tried one thing that a friend suggested. Just pull down your bra a little and expose a nipple. The theory is, that people will focus on the nipple and forget about looking up my skirt.

I doesn’t seem to work very well, though. Especially when I’m sitting in a position like that. I’ve thought about other ways to avoid people looking up my skirt, and I think I’ve come up with something, that will actually work. I’ll try it out the next few days and see if it works.

I simply pull my skirt DOWN. The more I pull it down, the harder it will be to look up.


It works. People don’t look up my skirt anymore. They can’t when my skirt is pulled down like that. And it’s easy to adjust if I sense people are still looking up my skirt. I simply pull it down even further. Simple and effective.


I’ll go and spread the word to my friends about this neat trick.

Sexy Girl. I Like It.
Comment By Mazen At 9/15/2007 4:26 PM

This girl has thought of two very clever ideas to avoid those embarrassing upskirt incidents. One other approach, which I see her doing in the second picture, is keeping her legs together. This way, the skirt covers a good part of her butt crack, keeping her looking quite decent. Very nice job presenting this useful information for girls.
Comment By Richard Hertz At 9/22/2007 12:00 PM

Clever lass. She’ll need to shave that landing strip wearing a low rise skirt. It draws the eye, and is technically against the code.

No matter how low she wears her skirt, it is impossible to prevent an upskirt in all situations. Even the longest skirt can be upskirted from a catwalk, wrought iron staircase.

The most effective means to prevent upskirting is to remove the skirt and go bottomless. It is impossible to upskirt no skirt at all.

Comment By Inspector #212 At 12/17/2007 3:56 AM

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