7 thoughts on “Ex CCC Contributor (CCCC?) now Published on Amazon

      1. base

        Amazing that this universe begun over 17 years ago. Thinking about that time span, new students ought not be surprised by the Dress Code. The success of the Dress Code should have been the subject of many academic papers. Other campuses would have adapted the same idea, and given them all a little twist. Perhaps the idea that exposed skin is ready to be groped is not in play elsewhere. Perhaps a girl showing sexual excitement is no longer an invitation for sex. More importantly, the original alumnae would be sending their daughters off to college.

    1. base

      The website is not dead. We could post hundreds of new stories, but they would lack the quality and coherency needed.

      I write dozens of new snippets, but realize the storyline is not worth posting. Many end up being trashed. Some storylines just seem to repeat previous ones, and I trash those of mine as well.

      The muse has to hit the writers. The passion has to be there to get the story written and ready to post. Comments like yours only cause the writers to turn away. You cannot shame someone into writing a good story. I’d rather not post a new story to make you think your comment was the catalyst. I’ll sit on any storyline I’ve been writing for a good long time. In the meantime, read the early stories again.

  1. Anonymous (not the OP anonymous though)

    Glad to know it’s not dead, I’ll keep checking back in that case. Probably should go looking for more stories in this general vein, too; I’ve reread the archives here plenty.

  2. Anonymous

    I’ve seen Oliver Klozoff in the store a few times, didn’t know they were CCoC allumni. I’ll have to pick them up next time I have the kindle handy.

    As for the above anon, $3 is standard for Kindle stuff (something about how Amazon handles things) and 40 pages is actually a fairly large story; the Kindle page count things are all messed up. It’s no epic tome of writing, but it’s fairly standard for a Kindle story.


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