Miniskirts are very popular among the girls at the College. It is very important not to wear panties under a miniskirt, because from time to time during the normal activities of the day, your skirt may lift up slightly. If you are wearing panties, it is possible that your panties might be seen, which is a definite no-no under the Dress Code.
The girl pictured, above, is wearing a skirt of proper length. As you can see, onlhy a small part of her cheeks are visible, which is just fine. Girls should be aware of their skirt length, and avoid spreading their legs too far apart, especially while sitting or bending over.
As an example, of the dangers of bending over, consider this girl, below, who is wearing a miniskirt, and then notices that her shoes are untied. Without stopping to check who might be behind her, she simply bends over and begins tying her shoe. By simply bending over, the back of her skirt rises slightly. If she had been wearing panties, whoever was following her might have seen them, which would have caused her no end of embarrassment — or worse. If that person behind her had been an Inspector, she would be in big trouble. As it is, by not wearing panties, she avoided the embarrassment of having her panties seen.
As you can see from the picture, above, this girl’s miniskirt rises up slightly in the back, but still covers her completely from the front. Only a small amount of skin in the anal region is visible, which should not concern her in the least. These areas are only visible during the short time she’s tying her shoes. If some girls are a bit shy about exposing this skin while bending over in a miniskirt, then they should not wear a miniskirt. This girl has taken this to heart, having removed her miniskirt, below.