Generally, wearing a dress on campus will result in an inspection. The inspectors need to know the dress does not have a lining, a built-in bra, or is an attempt to cover up undergarments or pubic hair. All of these things would be in violation of the Dress Code.
So, what’ the best way to wear a dress when you are venturing across campus?

Meghan has discovered the best method in wearing a dress on campus. Technically, she is not naked since she is carrying a dress. She likes to say she is wearing her dress over her finger.
Sure, an inspector might still demand to “strip search” her in case the dress does have a built-in bra or a lining. But according to Meghan, wearing her dress in this fashion reduces the chance of thugs tearing her dress apart if she does not strip fast enough for the inspector.
Not every female on campus is ready to wear a dress over just her finger, but for Meghan, this style solves more problems than it makes.
If a groper tries to cop a feel, she only needs to swing the garment over her front. No longer exposed skin. No groping allowed.
She can honestly tell her mother, “I love the new dress you sent me. I wore to classes today.”
She laughs that she’s worn the same dress three days in a row and not one person seemed to notice.

Meghan does enjoy the freedom to wear her dresses in this style all over campus. No more pesky panty searches. She loves showing the world she can follow the dress code to the letter.