Roommates (archives)

My roommate and I have become very comfortable with one another. When we’re alone in the room, there’s no need to put on any clothes. To lie naked, touch her, and be touched in such a tender way — She’s very sweet to me.


Sometimes it’s hard to be naked in public, especially if other people have clothes on. But with my roommate, I feel more comfortable. She gives me strength. She holds my hand, and it’s all OK. I take a deep breath, hold her hand, and go out in my altogether.


My roommate is the best!

Mandi knows how to make me feel great about myself. Like the time I was stripped and cited for a Dress Code violation, Mandi stripped herself and donated her outfit just so I wouldn’t be naked by myself.

Another time, I got a little aroused because my dress was a bit short and the boys were talking about my pussy. Mandi saved me by beating the boys to my pussy. They watched Mandi lick me to orgasm, but that was better than them trying to take advantage of me.

Comment By Sandi At 11/1/2007 5:48 AM

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