Today, the teacher handed out the rules of the game, walking around the room, and summarized the rules this way:
The game is meant to be fun for everyone, boys and girls alike. The purpose of it is to let girls earn points by wearing sexy clothes, and then use those points to opt out of being forcibly stripped at the end of the month. By playing the game, girls who want to see one of their fellow co-eds be forced to strip can enjoy that spectacle, while at the same time avoid being the victim of it.
Of the 18 girls in the class, the nine with the shortest dresses each day will earn points. No nudity, or even partial nudity is required to earn points. Without doing anything else, these nine girls earn a point each. To earn additional points, a girl can “forget” to wear panties, and/or she can show some side-boob. The honor system allows girls to go without panties, but never have to prove it. This is the part that I particularly like, because my secret pleasure is in keeping people guessing!
After he finished handing out the rules, he gave us some time to read them in class, in case we had any questions. I stapled them to my diary. Here they are.
During the four-week period leading up to Final Friday, there will be a measurement every morning during homeroom / health class. The girls in the classroom are ranked according to their measurement, so that the half of the girls wearing the shortest dresses, the “selected” girls, will remain standing in front of the classroom, while those with longer dresses will sit, watch, and enjoy.
To begin the measurement, all girls who feel their measurement is shorter than the median are asked to assemble in front of the class. If fewer than half the girls assemble, then the teacher will encourage additional girls to participate.
If more than half the girls assemble, then the girl with the longest measurement is dismissed one by one until no more than half the girls in the class remain in front of the room. In case of equal measurements, the girl with the lowest monthly running point total will be dismissed.
At this point, the “selected” girls will be standing in front of the class, while all other girls will return to their seats.
The primary criterion for the measurement is dress (or skirt) length, measured in inches below crotch level. If panties (or shorts or pants) are visible, then this counts as a minimum of 2 inches, plus whatever portion of the thigh is covered. If a thong is visible, then this counts as 1 inch. If no panties or thong is visible, then 0 or even negative numbers are possible, although for decency, negative measurements are discouraged.
If a dress or skirt is adjustable, e.g. strapless dress, roll-able waist skirt, etc. then it should be adjusted to give the largest positive (or smallest negative) measurement possible, by pulling the clothing down as far as possible, within reason. During a measurement, girls are expected to help each other with clothing adjustment. Nudity will not be tolerated, and even partial nudity is discouraged, and is not necessary for participation in the game.
Since the wearing of panties affects measurements, as well as the earning of points (as explained later), girls are on the honor system to accurately report whether they are wearing panties (see “protest”).
Each of the “selected” girls assembled in front of the class earns one point for having a dress shorter than median length. Only these selected girls may earn any points at all.
A bonus point is awarded for each of the following five features:
- Partial breast exposure — a half shirt short enough to reveal the lower breast, or a top that is open to the sides, offering a full view of the side of the breast, is considered partial breast exposure.
- Fully topless — beyond partial breast exposure, a second bonus point is offered to girls who are fully topless, which is defined as the complete absence of clothing that normally covers the breasts. An open top doesn’t count here (although it may count toward partial breast exposure, if the ability to close the top is permanently disabled).
- No panties — lack of panties under a dress or skirt is based on self-reporting through the honor system.
- Frontal nudity — beyond lack of panties, a second bonus point is awarded to girls with full frontal nudity. Full shaving is expected.
- Bare butt — beyond lack of panties, a second (or third) bonus point is awarded to girls whose butts are bare, whether or not their backs are also bare.
Since nudity is not permitted, a maximum of five points may be awarded: one point for a dress shorter than the median, and as many as four bonus points. It is possible to earn one or two points without even partial nudity, and a third point for nothing more than showing your side-boob. An extensive section on strategy appears below.
The purpose of measurement is not to embarrass any girl, but rather to arrive at an accurate assessment of her clothing. For this reason, girls are asked to self-report whether they are wearing panties, and these reports are trusted. If one girl (the protestor) feels that another girl (the defendant) has claimed falsely not to be wearing panties, then she may lodge a formal protest. To have “standing” to lodge a protest, the protestor may not be wearing panties herself. When her protest is recognized, the protestor must remove her dress, skirt, or other bottoms as needed to allow all her classmates to verify she is not wearing panties. If the protestor is shy, she may turn her back to her classmates during this process. Once the protestor’s standing is verified, the defendant follows suit, removing sufficient clothing to prove her innocence.
Once it has been verified that both girls are not wearing panties, they may replace their clothing, ending the protest. There is no penalty for lodging a protest that turns out to be groundless.
If either the protestor or the defendant is found to be wearing panties, then she must remove her panties, and then both girls may replace the remainder of their clothing. In addition, the panty-wearing liar loses all points for the day.
Floor protest
During the measurement process, if a non-selected (i.e. seated) girl reasonably suspects that all the selected girls claiming not to be wearing panties are lying, then she may lodge a floor protest. To establish standing, she must remove all her clothing, including her panties, and approach the front of the room, naked. The reason for this is to discourage frivolous floor protests. Then she must approach each girl in turn who has claimed not to be wearing panties (the protestor chooses the order of testing the defendants) and ask her to remove sufficient clothing to prove she is not wearing panties. If any of the defendant has lied, and is in fact wearing panties, she is punished in accordance with “Protest”, above, and the protestor goes on to the next defendant.
If any one of the defendants has told the truth, and is not wearing panties, then floor protest is considered “groundless”, and ends. The floor protestor returns to her seat, free to put her clothes back on.
Please note that a floor protest requires reasonable suspicion that all selected girls claiming not to be wearing panties are lying. Thus after a floor protest is completed, whether or not it ends groundless, no further floor protests are possible.
Boy floor protest
A boy may lodge a floor protest by proxy, if he reasonably suspects that all selected girls claiming not to be wearing panties are lying. The floor protest by proxy proceeds as follows: One by one, the protestor by proxy approaches each non-selected girl, asking her to act has the floor protestor. Each girl has the opportunity to refuse to serve as the protestor, but if the boy is sure at least one of the selected girls has lied, then it is in the seated girl’s interest to lodge a protest to reduce the selected girls’ total points.
No girl is required to act as the protestor, but if one girl does agree, then all the girls who have been approached up to that point are required to strip naked and act as co-protestors. In effect, each seated girl who is approached by the boy is deciding on behalf of herself and all the previously-approached girls whether to lodge a floor protest. If all the girls refuse, then there is no protest, and no harm.
When the protest concludes, all the proxies put their clothes back on, and return to their seats. As with any protest, there is no penalty for a groundless protest.
The “Doghouse”
Each girl’s points are kept as a running total for the month, and posted on a bulletin board daily, from the highest to lowest point score. The bottom three positions are called “the doghouse”, although in case of a tie for 3rd lowest point total, all the tied girls are thrown in the doghouse. The three (or more) girls in the doghouse on Final Friday will be vie for the opportunity to be stripped naked in front of the whole class. The naked girl’s clothes are donated to charity, requiring her to attend all her classes in the nude, and even return home naked at the end of the day. See “Final Friday”, below, for more details.
No changing
Girls are expected to dress themselves just once, in the morning, before coming to school. It would not be fair to the other girls if one girl removes some of her clothing just before the measurement, even if she leaves the discarded clothing off for the rest of the day. Part of the challenge of coming to school in sexy clothes is mixing with the other students both before and after school. Moreover, it would not be proper for any girl to attend school in clothes she feels afford insufficient modesty. For this reason, there should be no need to remove clothing before measurement. Instead, girls should feel comfortable and confident in whatever clothing they choose to wear to school.
Each day, half the girls receive no points, and the other half of the girls receive at least one point. It is expected that the girls who earn points will earn an average of about 2 points during the first few days. But as the competition heats up to get out of the doghouse, it is expected that many girls will begin to take chances, and as a result, the girls who earn points will earn more points, up to an average of about 3 points as the competition heats up.
So at the end of 19 days, most girls will have earned an average of 2 or 3 points on an average of 9 or 10 days, giving the average girl between 20 and 30 points. That means that in a typical month, you will need to pick up at least 20 points to stay out of the doghouse. Try to earn 30 points to be extra safe.
Let’s say you take this advice, and your goal is to end the month with 30 points. That means you will need to earn 2 points on each of 15 days, or 3 points on each of 10 days, 4 points on each of 7 or 8 days, or 5 points on each of 6 days.
Warning: in order to earn 4 points, you will need to completely bare your boobs, butt, or worse. Some girls feel fully comfortable backless or even topless, and so for these girls, 4 points is quite do-able. However, to earn 5 points, you will need to be nearly naked. If 5 points seems to ambitious, you may consider falling back to 4 points, and go for more days to earn your points. Then, after you are satisfied with your progress, you may wish to let modesty reign, going for just one point on some days. Let’s review these strategies, starting with the most audacious.
5-point strategy
5-point attire: If you choose to go for 5 points, you will need to face the fact you’ll be nearly naked all day. You’ll have to decide on the utility of spending the day nearly naked just to reduce your probability of being stripped naked on the Final Friday. Many girls choose this approach early in the month to gain points, so they have a cushion later on. Being ahead of the other girls in the point total helps you in case your dress length is tied with that of another girl. This audacious strategy is best for you if you would feel significantly more comfortable wearing one of the following single items of clothing than you would feel naked:
- Half-shirt (lower boobs visible). If you don’t mind going bottomless, but you’re self-conscious about your breasts, and your nipples in particular, this is a good way to keep them covered.
- Halter-top (bib style, with full side boob visibility). This style of halter top consists of a square piece of fabric which lays across your breasts, covering them only from the front, while leaving them fully visible from the side. This style is ideal if you are less self-conscious about your breasts, as they will be seen by many people throughout the day.
- Loin cloth (topless, covering pussy only) is an excellent choice for girls who want to gain points quickly, yet are a bit shy about baring their pussy in public. Be careful to ensure your loin cloth is shorter than the day’s median dress length so you will qualify for points. Remember also that a loin cloth can be adjusted, and so during measurement, it will be lowered as far as possible on your body. So the width of your loincloth should be no more than necessary to cover your pussy — just an inch or two. Still, this is enough for many girls to feel fully modest.
- Sheer baby-doll dress (at least six inches shorter than crotch level) is a cute look, which only symbolically partly covers your breasts, leaving you more or less naked. Many girls find the symbolic wearing of a dress — especially one associated with cute little girls — makes them feel comfortable. And there’s no question it’s a sexy look, which will boost your self-esteem.
Advantage of wearing only a top: high likelihood of being selected, since your dress length is a large negative number.
Advantage of wearing a loin cloth: better modesty. Just make sure your loin cloth is short enough to be selected, or you will get no points.
Shaving: if you choose a frontally nude style, be sure you shave completely, for both hygienic and aesthetic reasons.
Since ties go to the girl with the most points in the current month’s running total, it is helpful to adopt the 5-point strategy early in the month to build up points. Then, after you have 30 points in the bank, you can relax a bit, and wear, say, a t-shirt and thong each day. This may be enough to earn a point every now and then.
4-point strategy
4-point attire: choose from one of the following get-ups (no panties allowed).
- Apron, or apron-style dress with bib-style top for maximum modesty in a 4-point style. In this style, a bib covers your breasts from the front, allowing them to be fully viewed from the sides. Your entire backside is bare, including your butt, however your entire front is covered, affording considerable modesty considering the large number of points earned by this outfit. Be careful of the length, however, as an apron that is too long may prevent you from being selected, with no points at all.
- Skirt only. This topless style provides adequate modesty for many girls, covering not just your pussy, as does the apron dress, but your backside as well. As with the apron dress, it is important to wear your skirt as short as possible to ensure you will be selected for points. It would be a shame to subject yourself to a topless day and earn no points for your effort!
- Cape, or “Tuxedo” style dress. A cape or the bib of a “tuxedo” dress can partially cover your breasts, but instead of covering your front, the dress sweeps around your hips, and covers your butt, leaving you frontally nude. You are expected to be completely shaven in this style, which has the advantage that the butt-cover length doesn’t affect modesty very much, so you can wear it quite short to ensure you will be selected for points.
- Baby-doll dress with sheer top and either front- or back- slit. To earn the full 4 points, ensure the dress opens very wide at the slit, allowing full visibility of your lower front or back side.
- Top only. If you wear just a top, you can cover your boobs completely, and still earn 4 points. Shaving is required, of course. Many girls find this the most comfortable 4-point strategy for three reasons: (1) Seated modesty — you spend most of your day seated in a classroom. A modest top covers you more completely than a topless micro-miniskirt that people can see right up. (2) Probability of selection — by going completely bottomless, your dress length is negative, making it almost certainly shorter than the mean dress length, so you will most likely be selected, even as girls adopting other 4- and even 5-point strategies will find themselves seated, and (3) Full coverage — your top can fully cover a body part (breasts, in this case), which is more than can be said about any of the other alternatives. Bib-style tops afford only partial coverage, and the need for short length allows people to see up any skirt, apron, or tuxedo.
If keeping your pussy covered is important to you, then you will likely find the median dress length long enough early in the month to permit wearing the apron (backless) or skirt-only (topless) options. Which of these you would choose depends on whether it is more important to you to cover your breasts or your butt. Most girls prefer to cover their breasts, if only partially, by a bib-style apron, and don’t mind as much that their butts are not covered. If you feel comfortable wearing an apron dress, then you should do so every day, earning points only on the days when your apron falls shorter than the median. This strategy is likely to earn you sufficient points to stay out of the doghouse.
If covering your top is more important to you, then a bottomless 4-point strategy is almost certain to earn you points each day you wear it. If your goal is to earn 30 points, then going bottomless for the first week will put 20 points in the bank, after which you can wear short dresses without panties. If you are only selected a third of the time after that, you’ll get your 30 points for the month.
3-point strategy
3-point attire: while 4- and 5- point strategies are too risqué for most girls to wear every day, a 3-point strategy can be tailored to your modesty comfort zone for every-day use. 3-point attire offers you the most choices:
- Bib-style mini-dress, without panties, is a fully modest style that offers significant points. Although the bib top affords a full side view of your breasts, they’re covered from the front, and the dress bottom covers the rest of you quite decently. Short dress length is important. You must ensure the length is shorter than the median to earn any points at all.
- Half-shirt (or side-view halter top) and skirt is a sexy way to show your belly, but retain full modesty, with all the advantages (and disadvantages) of the bib-style minidress, above.
- Apron, or apron-style dress with full top affords reasonable modesty in a 3-point style. No panties may be worn, of course, and your butt remains bare. However your top is fully covered, as is your entire front. Hem length is important, though. If it is too long, you will not be selected, earning no points.
- Full Cape (fastens about the neck, covers boobs) is a sexy way to keep yourself covered reasonably decently. Only your pussy will be visible, and then only while you are standing or walking. While sitting, you can keep your legs together and/or rest your hands, books, etc. in your lap to keep yourself covered. Since your pussy will be visible, you should be careful to shave fully.
- “Tuxedo” style dress with full top, which securely covers your breasts. Like the full cape, a Tuxedo dress exposes your frontal region, so make sure it’s fully shaved.
- Baby-doll dress with sheer top or else front- or back- slit. This is a fairly modest baby-doll style, which is a style many girls feel quite comfortable wearing in public. Although the description of this baby-doll dress reads similarly to the 4-point baby-doll, the variety of choices in the 3-point version make it much more appealing to many girls. For example, there need not be any slit at all, so you can cover both your pussy and your butt in this style, making it appropriate for every-day wear.
- Topless (with thong or panties, and optional skirt). A thong provides as much coverage as panties, and during measurement, it counts as a one-inch length (compared to two inches for panties), so a thong has the advantage of increasing your probability of being above the median length, especially if you have a lot of points already in the bank, because this will help you compete against other girls also wearing thongs. If you wear the optional skirt, then pay attention to its length. To maximize your probability of selection, the skirt should be worn as low as possible on your hips, and as close to crotch-length as possible. This style is ideal for girls who want to wear a short skirt, but are shy about exposing their pussies. A low-rider thong and exactly crotch-level skirt has the added advantage of keeping people guessing whether you have anything under it.
A 3-point strategy offers full modesty, so it’s a strategy you can adopt every day. If your goal is to earn 30 points in a month, then you can wear any one of the styles listed here every day. And then, if you are selected at least half the days, you’ll earn your 30 points. And on the days you’re not selected, you will not suffer the indignity of immodesty combined with no points. (Pity the poor girl who goes for 5 points wearing nothing but a tiny loin cloth, who is not selected because too many other girls’ dresses were shorter!) Instead, you’ll be fully modest and comfortable in the style you’ve chosen, and with at least nine of your classmates running around the school in shorter skirts than yours (perhaps with 4- or 5-point styles) your attire won’t attract undue negative attention.
2-point strategy
2-point attire: you can be fully clothed, and still earn two points, by leaving your panties at home, or else wearing a half-shirt or side-view halter top. A 2-point strategy is best used after you have already earned a large number of points, although a dedicated girl who gets herself selected almost every day can earn points into the thirties using only a 2-point strategy.
- Half-shirt with any bottom: Cover your bottom any way you like (a skirt exactly covering a thong is best, for 0 inch length; ironically, if the skirt were shorter, the thong would be visible, giving you the less attractive 1 inch length). This approach makes it unlikely you will be selected on the majority of days, as the mean dress length might be negative on some days, so it is best used later in the month, with points already in the bank.
- Side-view halter/bib with any bottom: like the half-shirt, this offers a glimpse of your tits, while letting you cover your bottom completely. The same caveats apply.
- Dress or skirt with no panties: if your strategy is to earn your points two at a time, then you should pay close attention to the other girls’ styles. If you notice some girls going bottomless, and many wearing crotch-length dresses, then you should go for a slightly negative dress length. For this purpose, a poofy, loose-fitting dress is best, so that its negative hem length isn’t immediately obvious to the casual viewer. A loose fitting dress has the advantage that while you are seated, your dress will settle in your lap, affording you a high degree of modesty. As the competition heats up, later in the month, you may need to go to negative 2 or 3 inches in order to be selected every day. In that case, you may rightly question the need to wear a bottom at all, and go for a bottomless 4- or 5-point style.
1-point strategy
1-point attire is full modesty, a dress or top and skirt, including panties or a thong. All dresses shorter than the median will earn one point, so you should go for a length of exactly zero inches, i.e. crotch level. Use this strategy when you want to be fully modest, and you have earned sufficient points to stay out of the doghouse. Depending how daring your classmates are, you may find the median dress length is 0 inches on quite a few days. If you have lots of points in the bank, ties will break in your favor, earning you a point without showing any skin at all!
Final Friday
At the end of the judging on Thursday, it will be evident which three (or more, in case of a tie) girls will be in the Doghouse. The rest of the girls will breathe a sigh of relief, and their hearts will beat a little faster with anticipation of tomorrow’s excitement: one of the doghouse girls will be forcibly stripped naked, and made not only to parade in the nude to all her classes, but return home naked on the school bus.
On Friday morning, only the Doghouse Girls will assemble in front of the class for one last measurement. The two girls with the longest dress or skirt will be selected for the final round.
Judging the Final Two Girls
It is with great excitement that the final two girls stand before the class, knowing that one of them will be stripped naked, and the other will be set free! Two circles are placed on the floor — one red, and the other blue. One girl stands in each circle. The boys in the class will be voting to determine which girl has to strip, so each girl is each given an opportunity to describe her outfit to the class in hopes she will be set free. She will emphasize her casual attitude to nudity and her present near-nakedness, in hopes the boys will vote to strip the other girl. The idea is that if the other girl is shyer or wearing more clothes to begin with, then it will be more fun to see her stripped. During her presentation, a girl will typically lift her dress to show she’s not wearing a bra, and “pretend” not to notice she “accidentally” showed her fully shaved pussy as well. She might also stress the “comfort” of her clothes by turning her back to the class, then bending over and touching her toes, giggling when her dress falls down over her shoulders, once again revealing her tits between spread legs. During her presentation, a girl may undo and even remove any or all articles of clothing, and she may take questions (or requests) from the class. When she finishes her presentation, she may put on and refasten any clothing she might have removed.
Before voting begins, it must be made clear that the boys will be voting for the winning girl, that is the girl who will be set free. Typically, this is the girl who gave the best presentation, is wearing the sexier clothes to begin with, or is less shy. The boys vote for the girl they would like to set free by placing a ball of her color — the color of the circle she’s standing on — in an “urn”, which is passed from one boy to the next until all the boys have voted. Then, without looking into the urn, one of the girls seated in the classroom reaches into the urn and selects a ball, and holds it up for all to see. If the ball is red, then the girl standing on the blue circle will be stripped. If the ball is blue, then the girl standing on the red circle will be stripped.
At this point during the final judging, the losing girl may call “Do-over!” if she is wearing more than one item of clothing. In that case, she submits herself to the winning girl, who may spend up to five minutes to select an item of clothing, and remove it. The losing girl, who requested the do-over, must obey every command given to her, and she must behave like a little slave girl for those five minutes. This method is provided as a way to let the winning girl vent her disappointment over the need for a do-over, to make the losing girl think carefully before asking for a do-over, and to provide some light entertainment for the class prior to the actual stripping.
After a do-over is complete, the item of discarded clothing is permanently lost (donated to charity), and then the voting process is repeated. The sequence of do-overs will end, eventually, because a girl must be wearing more than a single item of clothing to be eligible to call a do-over.
The stripping
The winning girl has the responsibility of stripping the loser, and she can spend up to five minutes doing it. She may order the loser to perform certain actions, such as raising her hands, or spreading her legs, which will aid in the stripping. To enhance the excitement of the stripping, oils and fragrances may be applied to the naked girl’s body, although excessive rubbing is frowned upon. The idea is to make the forcible stripping as enjoyable as possible for the class, while not excessively humiliating the naked girl.
Bonus points
The girl who is stripped receives 10 bonus points each month until the end of the year, to make it less likely that the same girl will be stripped more than once per year. If she is stripped twice, then she receives 20 bonus points each month, and so on.
The other doghouse girls each receive 10 bonus points for the following month only, to make it less likely they will be in the doghouse two months in a row.
And now, for the Pretty Girl of the Day. I love the way she’s done her hair!
