Tag Archives: Dean

Message from the Dean; re:Unstreaking

A Message From The Dean:

A disturbing practice has erupted on campus that must immediately stop. Harsh disciplinary action will be taken if this trend continues. Of course, I’m talking about the recent prank of unstreaking. While many view it as harmless, it is upsetting to the order of things on campus.

For those fortunate enough to not have had their classroom unstreaked, let me describe the unruly behavior some have engaged. Some girls wear as many items of clothing as possible, and race through classroom lectures flaunting the Dress Code. This is a direct violation of the Code of Conduct and must cease.

While we agree that college life sometimes requires students to unwind and do things that normally they would not do, this particular behavior crosses all lines of decency. The inspection team was able to catch up to one student, and upon confiscating her clothing determine she was wearing several layers of clothing. The sight was so upsetting to many students as layer after layer was removed, that once decency was restored and the inspector had all her clothing, the naked girl escaped before a positive identification could be made. A donation to the needy was made of her jeans, sweats, leggings, panties, thong, g-string, pantyhose, thigh highs, knee sock, tube socks, bobby socks, bra, camisole, tee shirt, blouse, pull-over, sweat shirt, sweater, coat, scarf, and two hats as no hearing could be set.

If you or others are planning to unstreak on campus, be warned that additional measures will be taken to end these disruptive stunts. We encourage you to talk your fellow coeds out of participating in such acts. You will remember fondly your days of college life without such gross displays of lewd behavior flaunting the good discipline the Dress Code provides all of us across campus.
