Since several readers seem to think they are not writers, here’s your chance to turn your idea for a story into a story.
Add a comment below. Describe the situation you have in mind. Keep to within the existing universe (previous storylines). What do you want to read? Give us your ideas, and perhaps one of the authors here will flesh it out, and perhaps even find some images to bring more to the theme. Authors get ideas from everywhere in life, so might as well post right here, too.
Generally, I have three dozen ideas floating through my head at one time. It is only when one of those ideas totally dominates the others that it gets written. When the story is so strong I must release it into words, that is what you read from me. I do not share my ideas. They often take on a totally different role once the characters speak to me and guide me through their experiences. I also might write several different versions of the same theme until the last writing gives me peace. Then I post.
So, while your comment may not be turned into a story right away, it is likely to cause some gears to turn and evolve into a different story. Who knows, as you start to type out your idea, it may very well turn into your story.
If you wish to keep it anonymous, do so. If you wish not to post your idea on-line, email me at
I’ll figure out a way to share it with the other authors.
So, post your ideas in the comments, and let’s see if anything happens.
Do not tell us you want more stories with his balls slapping her fat ass.
Let’s leave the “Steel hard 8 inch cocks ramming in and out of her tender young virgin pussy” for other sites.
Do not tell us that the girls must be made to wear facials each morning.
Golden showers or scat ideas are not ideas at all.
Do not tell us that it is an all day and night orgy. It is a college of higher education.
A respectable one at that. Students are there to learn. They do graduate with degrees.
We can stretch the suspension of disbelief a bit further, but not too far.
Aliens with four foot green penises all over their bodies able to bring ten girls to simultaneous climaxes is an idea too far.
The girls are not sex slaves.
Be original. Have a twist.
Most of all, do not be disappointed if your idea goes without anyone writing the story. We have our own ideas, too.
* A girl goes to the dentist for a checkup and gets a lot more of an exam than she thought she would.
* A girl has her sister visit the school and “shadow” her and ends up violating the clothing guidelines.
* A girl goes to the doctor for an exam and the doctor has med students participate in the exam, much to the girl’s humiliation.
Stories written from any of these ideas would be fantastic! π
This is the best site of its kind and I would love if the writers kept it going!
great ideas. I do have a very rough draft similar to sister visiting. I’ll try to work on it some more.
Yes, great ideas! I too have a loose idea floating around about a sister visiting the college.
I know you’ve been waiting for a dentist story for a while now. If one was done, how would you like your name as the star of the story?
Yes I have and I would love that! Thank you! π
1)Star Shakira, Rihanna support College Code of conductive.
2)Special lesson teaches to be naked but a modest first-year students
There is an anatomy exam that students have not studied for. They cheat by looking at each other’s naked bodies.
Ha ha, good one π
The girls track team is getting ready for a big competition but they are having a problem with getting “wet” when they train hard and then interrupted by the boys for showing signs of being visibly aroused and subsequently raped.
* A fashion revolution that allows the girls to feel more dressed up and formal when occasion arises (and still complying with the dresscode) such as … , along with of course casual everyday wear in counter point.
*A rogue inspector is applying COC policy to random girls around the world that don’t even go to the college! Somehow he gets them to cooperate!
*Girls that have graduated are giving COC style work tips on how to make future employers happy and how to best dress for success!
*College graduation comes about and the Principal announces how girls can’t wear the traditional toga on the field because it probably violates school policy. The outfit selected for girls winds up being extremely slanted against their favor. The media covers the whole embarassing event, especially when they are forced to perform some shameful things with family and friends watching from stadium seats.
*Different girls around the globe hear about the COC and seem to be aroused and in favor of its concept, so they voluntarily apply it in all sorts of public and social situations in lieu of it being illegal and not supported where they live. Some arrests are made but the authorities simply don’t seem to find it in their heart to punish these girls. Atleast, not in the standard way.
*More stories of senior girls selling the freshmen that clad or nude isn’t as bad as the world has been making it out to be. The stories demonstrate why with progressive strip teases, reasoning that each degree is not much worse than the previous.
The cheerleaders and dance team start daring each other to wear more and more clothing to the basketball games where they both perform, much to the crowd’s frustration. How long will the inspectors put up with this? Which one(s) ends up wearing too much?
I do like most Mzm’s ideas. My own suggestions being:
*Girls using clothing they have on to suit a needed purpose. (Filtering water with a shirt, cleaning a mess with panties, ect.)
*Losing clothing through accidents and being forced to continue doing something public. If you’d like further explanation on the latter of the two, simply ask as I’ve been told I word things oddly (main reason I don’t write here.)
Who told you that you word things oddly? If it wasn’t Grinch or Dick Hertz, I’d suggest you at least submit a story and let Grinch decide.
English wasn’t my first language so it slips a bit and when I truly get into a story, my diction gets out of hand for the ‘simple people’ as was stated. Never done a perverse story, but if I can find time in my schedule I’ll give it a go.
It’s Seuern (S-air-n), not Serena. I’m a male. ^^’
disregard that last sentence.
English is also my second language – I think native English speakers can tell, but it’s OK. The target is not perfection.
I really like your ideas, nice and generic.
A few that might go together…
A bit of a crime spree (could be stealing clothes, etc shown from the victim’s view – or interviewed by the media)
The cops doing detailed interviews & inspections….
They found the criminal, and she finds out just what the dress code is in jail…
The trial, and as its being done at the college (or under college rules), she must be naked….
the punishment – stocks, of course complying with the dress code (basically bent over)
None of this should be bondage themes… just titillating.
A girl is punished for a dress code violation for carrying one set of clothes while wearing another. She claims she was collecting a package from the post room which happened to contain clothes. In light of this her punishment is ‘relatively’ lenient. For the next , she may only put on clothing while in the post room from packages addressed to her, she may only retrieve one such package per day, and must put on all the clothes she finds within said package. People offer to help out by mailing her some clothes, but deliberately send her the most uncomfortable and embarrassing ‘clothes’ they can think of.
By the way: I support Serena’s second idea.
I would always like to see more of the “Ashley’s Diary” series from the previous site, or stories like it. Mainly, they would:
-be written from the point of view of the girl
-be featured in a place (like high school or the workplace) where they are not at all required to dress scantily, but they do so voluntarily because it’s part of a game, it makes them feel pretty, or they simply don’t view it as a big deal.
Or, even better, peer pressure from other girls
Yes, more of this. I especially enjoy the peer pressure angle, which is ripe for exploration.
The cheerleaders are asked by the sports team coaches to assist in recruitment of new star players
That one works for illusex π I might steal it.
Have a look here when it’s christmas! A little present for you π
Girl shadows the college and winds up being swadowed by breasts
Can you please explain more?
How about one in which an out lesbian enrolls, partly due to her desire to ogle the female flesh so often on display around the campus, but feels uncomfortable with the male attention she receives in turn. It would be fun to see how the other girls react to her, since many of them don’t consider the “games” they play with one another to be indicative of their sexual orientation.
How about the Dean regularily taking girls into town, such as to the public library, on a required basis and demonstrating what the dress code is really like. This would dispel rumors of what is like to be dressed properly at the college and why such rules are necessary to a great education. This would generate public interest in the college from the community. Tours could be arranged to visit the campus and the inspectors could be all over the sightseeing public that way.
There wasn’t Haloween story, so maybe xmas one?
For example one of girl will be Santa and have to give every one in class a gift, but she forgot part of presents and must being to give her clothes… but this is still not enough.
Also maybe same stories about girls physical education? There was several of them, and I liked them – especialy with less sex more humiliation/embarassment π
My english is not very well but I hope you understand what I mean?
I have a “Gym with the Boys 2” in the works but it has more sex in it. I’ll see if I can increase the humiliation/embarrassment factor.
new ideas? why not take the old ones? I would love to read other chapters of the series “Crysta’s Outreach Program”
I definitely agree
Fair enough!
I enjoy the stories for the most part. The embarrassment factor is exciting and the fact that it occurs in different circumstances/places makes things interesting. I don’t like the “consnsual rape” part of the rules, nor the fact that the boys seem to be excluded from the dress code and are not “humiliated” as the girls are. I also like it when the nudity extends into the home and into the community. The reactions of the parents, siblings, friends and community is interesting to me.
The biggest hurdle to contributions is access to photos. Let’s face it, even clever stories without pics are never going to cut it. You guys seem to pull most of these shots from various…commercial…websites. Do you permission? Or is there an assumption that as long as you give attribution of the source (and help drive traffic/revenue) to those sites, you will okay? Please advise.
I disagree with your premise. The mind’s eye can make images far more appealing than the ones we post. Some stories are written based on the images, and some stories are written in hopes of matching to images. But a well-written story does not need photos. The images in your mind are far more detailed.
The images I use have permission. Some I contacted individually, and some are used through referral affiliate programs, free hosted galleries, and partner IDs. Every site has their requirements for using them.
I agree. I usually actually prefer the stories without pictures- mainly because I fill the blank slate of the girl in the story with whatever fantasy girl I can think of, only to have that illusion shattered when I scroll down and see a random girl I’ve never seen before in the picture.
The main problem with picture stories is that (I think) they are far less appealing to female readers however, they are much easier to write but can be more restricting in terms of where to take the story.
As far as I know, I don’t think a female reader has ever commented on the actual pictures so I’d be very interested to hear their views on this.
Regarding picture permission, I have never explicitly asked a site to use pictures but I used to include a “pictures from xxxx” at the end of my stories. This started getting complicated when using pics from multiple sites.
Now I just try to put the website address in the name of the image.
Iβm a female, and Iβve posted two stories here, both using pictures. I think they add something to the story, and I donβt necessarily agree that they limit the direction the story can take. Moreso, one of my friends and I spent a long time on the internet looking for just the right pictures to work with the story. Sure, I made a few modifications (to talk about specific clothes or poses), but it was much harder to find a girl who, at the beginning of the photo shoot, was actually compliant with the dress code, and then was shaved. Weβd find the perfect pictures, only to find a landing strip, or panties, or a bra, or something else that would make the pictures unusable. While theyβre not necessary for me to enjoy a good story, I do think they add a little something β itβs less clunky than two random sentences to describe the girl, for example.
I agree that actually needing to use pictures places unnecessary restrictions on the content. The exception being ‘examples’ stories that talk about how one might comply with the code, which tend to benefit from pictures to establish the specific outfits being talked about.
As a female i have to agree with everything Cheryl says here. I may be a bit different with approach and i like the idea of photos with the stories. It seems very hard to do. I tried a couple of weeks ago to get a story together.
I am an exhibitionist as well, so therefore why i enjoy the stories. I don’t like the consensual rape but i feel that some ‘disciplinary’ actions can go well with many stories. I enjoy in particular many of the strip down stories that have been written here.
I actually like the picture stories but in good taste. I don’t like when it’s too xxx though, but the softcore pics have always made it intriguing even though it might suspend the story for a moment. This isn’t any worse than turning a page on a book, though.
I think the pillars could be rewritten. Updated and face lifted, as well as redefining the definitive base from which stories can be drawn. For instance there is some disagreement above about the canonocity of the peer inspections. personally i like them but the points raised against them are valid, perhaps one of our CoC logicans could figure out a suitable set of rules. Also; I’d like to see that the consensual rape clause gets empathsis on “consensual”. The girls should be free at anytime to cease obeying the rules and make any boys/inspectors/malicious individuals stop. They would of course be immediately withdraw from all courses and escourted off campus grounds with their possesions, but they should have the option. I think a clause to such effect could have prevented many fiascos in the past; does anyone remember “Melissa’s Spring Break”?
How about the alt-punk-fem chick who comes to the college in her dark trousers and trench coats at the bequest of her grandfather- an old friend of the dean- who, in his will, promises to pay her tuition? With her parents killed in her youth, there’s little alternative for our heroine’s education. She knows a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
Each night, she describes in her journal how, in order to avoid inspection, she’s forced to adhere to the guidelines- despite her opposition. She tells tales about the “princess skanks” who prance around campus in their tiny tanks and barely there skirts and shorts without care for how their “cooches hang out,” how she witnesses inspections and consensual rapes that interrupt her studies while alone late at night in the library, and the thoughts and fantasies that distract her from sleep when she’s alone in her bed.
She’s a new character that adds a deeper dimension of realism. Everyone since the beginning is so demure, passive, free-spirited and Barbie-like. And in her world, those girls still exist, but through her description of them, which can sometimes be as an outsider looking in with cynicism, or something that she would like to be, but can’t.
There’s a deeper strive in her to comply and avoid inspection but it’s a struggle.
I also support this concept. It’s far more interesting to see the perspective of someone who doesn’t accept the system than someone who just takes it in their stride. Especially if it involves her trying to alter her outfits to make them at least technically compliant with the code.
Interesting idea. I certainly agree that adding new characters’ perspective is good to give an opportunity to describe a fresh perspective on it and let the characters have some of the most experiences for the first time. It can get a little boring if it becomes an ‘every day’ kind of thing that the girls are stripped down.
Interesting that not all writers go through the (daunting) step of asking for and receiving picture permission. Showing the attribution, and giving a web address of the site, should be enough to protect the site. And base, while I accept that a clever pictureless story can suggest a lot, frankly it is the ones with a interesting story line plus some great shots (like Cheryl’s) that stand out.
pics or no pics the story should be great. the only thing i dont love about stories with pics is that the pics can be so big that u have to scroll down a lot to continue the story and that takes me out of it and breaks the mood…
Also I agree with the person who wanted to include the boys in some of the rules, not dress code maybe but some kind of embarrassment/humiliation. The recent story about the art class was a perfect example. All those boys with erections in art class looking at their hot nude teacher and then getting caught or cumming in their pants was GREAT!!! We need a continuation of that story and maybe some more like it too. But it was one of the stories where there were so many pics so often that it really broke up the story…
Thanks for listening π
Thanks for commenting. I didn’t realise picture size could be a problem and always thought “the bigger the better”. I’ll take that into consideration next time.
A xxx vedio comes to campas as a student and pays some girls to get drunk and play with them and him while he records it
I’m checking out this site for the first time and I think that would be a great story
Hey base, maybe this should be made a permanent page next to the Story Guide so it doesn’t keep getting bumped down every time a new story is added.
Sci-fi story; or set in the future. Different attitudes to nudity.
It’s not as interesting if everyone’s okay with nudity. What you want is a setting where people with two very different attitudes are somehow forced to interact.
My idea is to give feedback when a story submission is (apparently) rejected. I submitted a story at the email address it said to almost two months ago, and it has been neither posted nor replied to. Is that email address not current? Was my story not good enough, or problematic in another way? Do y’all just not like me? Whatever it is, I’d like to actually know. So that’s my idea.
The original post requesting ideas was done November 18. That was only three weeks ago, so if you sent something two months ago, I’m not sure who you sent it to, definitely not the email address listed above.
If your email was 11/22/11 to me, I did reply asking permission to post it or share with other authors. I never received a reply with permission. I stated the idea was a stretch for myself, and totally outside my world. [edit: nope, that was not you. Never received any email at the address listed above.]
Lastly, as posted above, “Most of all, do not be disappointed if your idea goes without anyone writing the story.” Some ideas take months to brew, and months to draft and rewrite. Sometimes the spirit hits the writers and words flow. Other times, the idea needs time to develop. An idea I reject today is one I might write next month or next year.
A response such as yours was one reason I debated posting the invitation to submit ideas. So my idea is that you read the original post again very carefully, and decide whether you wish to submit your idea.
I could be wrong but it sounds like Anon submitted a finished story that was never published for some reason.
You probably are correct. Perhaps Grinch knows.
What address did you send it to?
Yes, it was a finished story – I don’t know if there was an issue with the pictures or (hopefully not) the content. I just want to know what the deal is basically. And the address I sent it to was the one I found on the site,
I didn’t receive a new story the last few months (not since July) so something must’ve gone wrong. Please try to send it again, maybe it was caught by my spam filter or something.
I’ve double checked that the email address is currently working. I regularly receive mail on it.
Oh. Then perhaps I’ve been upset over nothing haha. I’ll try to send it again when I have time and can find it.
Having recently stumbled upon it myself, I think I would like to see a cross-over of sorts between Eroslavia and the College Code of Conduct. The two worlds are similar enough to be compatible, but also unique enough to be interesting when combined. An Eroslavic woman would have some very interesting interactions with the students from years of abiding by her king’s laws. I’ll send the finer details of what I think would work for this to our friend Grinch, writer of the Eroslavia blog.
Eroslavia is a great universe that I enjoy reading, too. I do see a major difference from CCC. Here, sexual encounters are for girls who become sexual excited in public. At Eroslavia, girls are expected to pleasure others whether or not they become sexual excited or not.
Interesting idea.
Did you send anything, by the way? Where did you send it to?
I sent a story to Grinch 2 days ago as i was encouraged to do so. It’s my first time so excuse any mistakes.
To I didn’t get it … I guess there must be a problem with it then, I will have to look into that. Sorry about that.
Whoa … an aggressive spam filter caught most, but not all mails … found them now …
The New RuleΒ
Β Β Β Students… Atention… I know it’s not normal to have a first day assembly how ever we have a new rule. Due to last years out break of girls backtalking inspectors and teachers, also total lack of apperate behavior. The new rule has been instaled by the board over New Years break. All inspectors, teachers or any one in athority may spank, strap, or cane any girl for any reason. In adition any girl having had any form of corparal punishment will not be alowed her bottom garment for one week. The rest of the code and rules are sitll in full efect. Male students are requested by the board to pay extra attion to girls having recived disapline for signs of arosal and rape them as needed. It is belived that sexual fustration may be a big part of the rash of disobdiance last year, some girls may need the attion of more than one boy to solve this problem. For example, Pam please stand and remove your bottom, she was talking and Mr Long would you please strap her for 15min. Pam spread your leggs 3feet apart. Ben would you cheak her for arosal and rape her if you find any sign. Now when he is finished Matt may feel she is still in need and may also rape her. Tina speeks up( You can’t do that! ) Tina remove your bottom for a 30 min straping for disrespect. Mr Black will you do the honners. I think she needs the attion of about five young men. If there are no other coments you are dismissed. Tina was raped five times however I raped her ass then gave her and Pam detintion in my office for one hour after school till they get thire bottom back.
I was browsing the interwebs and stumbled across this tumblr, and it reminded me of this site. If anyone needs inspirational photos, this is a good choice
note: this is not mine, i’m not advertising
Apparently, there is nothing in the code about nipple or genital piercings. I’d like that addressed. What is appropriate and what is not.
The code does not seem to address tattoos. If body paint is considered decent, then wouldn’t tattoos be decent too???
unanswered. unresolved.
one story place a ban on pasties, while another allows body painting. We can see this is conflict, but so it is with many inspectors. Each interprets the rules as they see fit. It is “settled” at the hearings and trials. But the problem is new judges and jurors may find a different opinion. It is like a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling – the majority today, but could be a 4-5 vote tomorrow on some stuble aspect not yet seen.
Tattoos rarely cover the nipples or vagina. The sometimes surround those delicate parts, but rarely cover them as would body paint. I doubt getting a permanent dress tattoo’d across your body will resolve any issue.
Piercings? The college has not installed metal detectors (yet). If they do, they may need to have the guards remove all piercing from someone who triggers the alarms. We cannot the student remove them, they might be reaching for something concealed.
I’ll be blunt and say Alternative Clothing #3 was a bad article. It wasn’t written badly, rather I think it’s bad form for a lone writer to “ban” things in one fell swoop. For example, one of my friends who introduced me to the CCC (via a message board we used to frequent) has what I think is a pasties fetish. He’d hoped to see them featured in a story. Be careful what you wish for! And I don’t think he’s been back here since.
When you read all the stories, some authors follow up with some ideas, and some authors ignore other spins. For example, the peer inspections. Some ran with it, and others never mention it.
There’s no reason for another author to be tied to the pasties ban. But that does not mean every author can go any direction they want. The basis of Richard Hertz CCC should be honored. You cannot have multiple authors sticking perfectly together and accepting every twist of the others.
Imagine I wrote a story of a girl starting to wear pasties when the other story suddenly appeared. Should I not post it? Should I re-write to make it fit? Or should I just accept some inconsistencies?
If the inconsistencies bother you, then imagine the CCC being on different campuses for each author.
Is this page still active? I note the last posting was 4 years ago. I have recently re-discovered this place, and have not read as much as I would like, and have an idea for a story. but don’t know how well it would fit into the universe.
All the colleges I am aware of have a certain number of married students. Surely this one does. Suppose a few of the “Official Inspectors” are married to students, and engage in a not-so-friendly ‘game’ of trying to catch each others wife/students in code violations, publicly stripping them, fondling them, and sexually arousing them, to see which “inspector” could facilitate the ‘consensual rape’ of the other “inspectors” wife/students.
This game, of course, would not be condoned by the College Administrators, and be dealt with appropriately when discovered, but not until several of the wife/students had been ‘consensual unfaithful’ to their husband/inspectors …
The page is still active. On the main page, links to recent comments appear. That is how I found this one of yours. I started this page at the request of a reader. While I personally find it difficult to take someone’s specific storyline and form a complete story, others enjoy doing this. I tend to find nuggets within the idea, such as yours: married couples on campus.
We’ll just have to wait and see if another author wishes to pursue your “game” idea or not.
Has there been a story of a home economics class? In that class the students have to wear an apron. And since layering is not allowed…
When I hear “home economics” I think of high school, not College. Although there are courses related to home economics in college. Cooking courses are generally culinary classes. The rest of Home Ec is literally the economics and management of a home.
This touches upon your theme:
I found it using the Search feature for “apron”