The year 2020 was a crazy one. Many students skipped the Fall Semester. Most did the remote learning thing. However, with the vaccine being released, courses are being taught on campus once again. Of course, the Dress Code is still in effect. From our quick observations around campus, it would seem violations will be down.
Did the time from campus allow the girls to read and understand the purpose of the Dress Code? From Day One of this new year, girls are not objecting to inspections, and often flash inspectors before even being asked to do so.

Here’s one girl giving an inspector a peek before she even unloads her things from the car. She knows not to wear panties under her dress, and she remembered to shave, too. She wants the inspectors to know she understands the Dress Code. This was not an isolated incident either. Here’s another girl waiting for a friend and making it easy for the inspectors to see she is adhering to the Dress Code, too:

As we roam around campus, we are seeing more girls willingly display themselves for the inspectors and others.

Whether showing a lot as she walks on campus, or just giving a peek…

These girls understand the importance of the Dress Code. Some really want the inspectors to see how well they have maintain their appearance over the long absence from campus…

It seems, this girl sat like this for over an hour. Why? She wanted to make sure many inspectors saw her in compliance.

When she reached down to adjust her heel straps, she spotted an inspector behind her. Knowing she was in compliance, she turned around to give him a better view…

Yes, she gave him a good look, but by squatting, she limited the viewing angle since others were about campus.

Other girls wanted more to see they were complying with the Dress Code. This girl gave several spins before just removing her dress entirely.

While she wasn’t wearing a dress, she left her jacket wide open. Back home it was chilly, but here on campus, the warmer weather made her feel better about showing the inspectors that she wasn’t trying to hide a bra either.

This girl’s “dress” is really an asymmetric top, and it covered little. Yet when returning to campus, she decided to make sure the inspectors had a good view.

These girls were chatting about their time away from campus, when an inspector was walking by. They called out to him, “Don’t you want to inspect us?” The inspector stopped to look. Nice. But when the girls freely flashed him, it was not as much fun for him.
So what were the girls talking about before flashing the inspector? They missed being on campus. They actually started to miss the inspectors wanting to see them naked. Just not the same at home. Their parents didn’t understand why they ran around the house in just a cropped tee shirt. There is something special about being on campus and being requested to lift your skirt or dress. The girls missed the appreciation shown them for flashing others, especially the inspectors.
The year 2021 is already looking better for everyone.
So glad to see the website back up! I thought we’d lost it! And thanks so much for posting, Base. I always love your stuff.
thanks, and you are welcome. We experienced a temporary down time, but we have someone who knows what they are doing fix the problem. Hoping the down time gave many of the other writers time to clear their own writer’s block.
so happy to see the CCC back again! ♥
happy to be back. Looking forward to reading other stories here, too
Yay its back
Yep, back. Let’s try to encourage the other writers to return. Post comments on their old stories, too!
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I’m glad the site is back and the students are eager to observe the dress code!
Is the percentage of students that are fully nude (but possibly with pubic hair) higher or lower so far? I’m curious about the stats.
In a perfect world that number would be 100%!
Given approximately 53.491% of the students are female,
Given approximately 0.294% have never had a Dress Code violation,
Given approximately 19.385% are under a nude sentencing,
Given approximately 32.839% are strip searched daily,
Given approximately 97.829% shower daily,
Given all of these stats, approximately, we cannot say with any definite number, but 69.328% is a nice number for estimating unknown events when 92.188% of all stat are made-up, approximately.