Little Black Dress

Since Audrey Hepburn wore one, everyone girl should have their own little black dress. The problem with many dresses on campus is that you seem to be taking it off for inspections more than you ever wear it. I understand the inspectors wanting to be certain you are not wearing something underneath your dress.

After shopping around for quite some time, I found the perfect little black dress to wear on campus. I hope you agree it is perfect. It is a little black dress that makes me feel wonderful wearing it around campus and in town. The inspectors seldom stop me for an inspection when I wear it. They can see I am following the Dress Code.

melena-r-nude-fishnet-flash-in-public-30-800x533Even from behind, the inspector can see I’m not wearing anything underneath the dress, and why would I? I know the rules.  While the dress is short, it is not as short as my tee shirt dresses. Plus, the material is stretchy or easily worn rolled up if I prefer a fashionable bottomless look.

melena-r-nude-fishnet-flash-in-public-29-800x1200Some of my friends thought this dress might be a bit too casual for evening wear to the Dean’s dinners or a nice date. I showed them by accessorizing the dress with some heels, I can pull off a more formal look. Don’t you agree?

melena-r-nude-fishnet-flash-in-public-40-800x1200These workers seem to agree with me. They all stopped working and smiled as I passed by their construction site. And the foreman was kind enough to stop me from walking all the way down the street. It was blocked off, so I had to turn around and go another route. It’s nice to dress nicely. Just because I’m a poor college student does not mean I should dress sloppy, right?

melena-r-nude-fishnet-flash-in-public-41-800x1200photos from


2 thoughts on “Little Black Dress

  1. shyandinsecure

    that black dress is so stylish…i’d be nervous if she saw me and talked to me!!!!! i’d just look down at the ground!!!


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