Donna and Crysta spend a good deal of time in their dorm. The main gathering places for the students are the recreation room in the basement, the kitchen at one end of the girls’ floor, the hallway outside Donna and Crysta’s room, and their room itself. From time to time, girls and boys drop in, and the conversation is often lively. The girls call these stories, “Just Sittin’ Around Stories”.
The dorm is like a cocoon of safety, especially for the girls. There are no “inspections” here, so the girls don’t have to worry about how they dress. So the attire tends toward the most casual styles. Of course, “casual” for two different girls can mean quite different things. The first thing Crysta does after returning back to the warm and cozy dorm is take off all her clothes. She was the first girl in the dorm to do that, but since then, a few other girls have followed her lead. “It’s such a relief not to have to worry about the Dress Code,” Crysta says. It’s saves time for her, too, because she doesn’t have to take her clothes on and off to go to the bathroom, shower, or bed. From time to time, though, outsiders come into the dorm — not just students, who aren’t really outsiders, but people like pizza delivery boys for example. When they are seen wandering the halls, Crysta either ducks into a nearby room or just covers her breasts and waits for the boy to pass by. Like her roommate, Donna strips herself naked as soon as she enters the confines of her dorm room, but unlike many other girls in the dorm, she has never felt completely comfortable in the nude. She always puts on a pair of panties, and next to most of her naked or nearly naked friends, she feels fully clothed. In fact, wearing just a pair of panties, Donna feels so fully dressed that when the girls go out in the evening for ice cream, she sometimes doesn’t bother to change. Some other girls keep their “day clothes” on, while others slip into a comfortable camisole, and still others put on a pair of pajamas. The main thing is that the girls are comfortable, and this makes them happy. And happy girls are lively girls, and they tell lively stories, which are a lot of fun for everybody.
Here are some of the girls’ Just Sittin’ Around stories
Pool — Monica loves to “titillate” the boys when she plays pool
High School Game — Melanie tells a story about an innocent high school game.
The Muddy Hike — a dirty girl must remove her muddy clothes in order to ride home in her boyfriend’s car.
Charity Day — the high school girls decide to auction off their clothes. Poor Mary, though, forgot to wear any underwear.
Cumming soon: Health Check — a yearly ritual; the girls have to submit to a school-sponsored medical exam. To stay on schedule, the girls are required to strip in their classrooms, and line up, naked, for their exams. Like the college inspections, this was nothing to be embarrassed about, but still, some girls were a little shy.
High School Gym Class, part 1 — Shy Gwen was uprooted and thrust into a new high school with strict uniform requirements for gym class. Just baring her cute butt was hard enough, so God knows how she’ll cope with the ordeal to cum!

a pair of co-eds share an intimate moment