Dress Code — Lace Microminiskirt (archives)

Dress Code — Lace Microminiskirt
A lace slip is a perfect item for a girl to use as a micro-miniskirt.

As you can see, even though this miniskirt is very short, it’s long enough to cover my front, so I can feel comfortable wearing it out in public.


And it’s long enough — barely — to cover my backside, leaving just a little bit of each butt cheek visible below the skirt.


The nicest thing about this miniskirt is that I barely know it’s on, it’s so nice and light.


I love the top she is wearing, too. The collar and waist band will remind you that you are wearing something, yet it is light and breezy. Perfect for a warm day. You feel completely covered with the top touching your neck and waist, and the center connector will touch the insides of your breasts making you think of a blouse or something. She is just too darling in this outfit!
Comment By Sandi At 10/31/2007 6:49 AM

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